How to Use Latex-Based Paints for Interior Walls

Table of Contents

Painting interior walls is a great way to refresh the look of any room. Certain techniques and tips will ensure you get the best results if you’re planning on using latex-based paints. Read on to learn about properly applying latex-based paints and how to conceal any drips or runs while painting interior walls. 

Preparing the Surface 

Preparing the surface is key to achieving a good end result with your painting project. Start by sanding the wall or surface, removing dust and debris before you begin. Follow this up with painter’s tape to protect any edges that could be damaged when applying the paint. As a final step, lay out a drop cloth to catch any drips, splatters, or bumps that may occur during painting. If done correctly, these preparation steps will ensure no paint is wasted, allowing you a clean and smooth finish at the end of your project.

Applying Latex Paint 

Applying latex paint to any project provides long-lasting results, but using the right materials and techniques is important for the best results. Start by using a quality roller cover and an angled brush to cut corners or areas the roller does not access. Ensure every pass overlaps slightly with the prior one until you completely cover the entire surface. Multiple coats of paint may be necessary depending on how thickly you roll. For smaller projects such as furniture or cabinets, a foam brush can provide more control over where your paint is placed, although you may require more coats than if you used a thicker brush.

Cleaning Up Drips & Runs 

Cleaning up an accidental drip or run can seem daunting, but if done properly, it’s a much more efficient and straightforward process than having to repaint everything again. Start by taking a piece of fine grit sandpaper and gently sanding down the spots until they are blended in with the wall’s surface – ensure you do this delicately to get the best results and eliminate being too noticeable. Lastly, apply a fresh coat of paint over those spots if you wish to complete your project. Following these simple steps will efficiently and effectively make that mistake disappear!

With these tips and techniques in mind, you should be able to successfully apply latex-based paints for any type of project involving interior walls or furniture at home without much difficulty or mess! Just remember – proper preparation is key; make sure that all surfaces are clean before applying any paint; use painter’s tape along any edges; use quality tools such as rollers and foam brushes when needed; and lastly, keep some fine grit sandpaper handy just in case there are any drips or runs after drying up which can easily be corrected afterward before adding another coat of paint if desired. Good luck!



Latex Paint: Your Complete Guide. (n.d.). Homefix. Retrieved March 8, 2023, from

How to Thin Latex Paint. (n.d.). wikiHow. Retrieved March 8, 2023, from

What is Latex Based Paint and When Should You Use It? (n.d.). Home Stratosphere. Retrieved March 8, 2023, from