How To Determine If A Painting Contractor Is Right For Your Project

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Finding a reliable contractor to work with in the modern world may be, well, overwhelming.

You may find hundreds of companies online that claim to be able to accomplish the work in a matter of seconds, but how do you know which one is the best for you and your project?

Here are some crucial things to keep in mind when you look for a painting contractor, whether you need one for interior or exterior work, industrial or commercial, etc.


Take note of the company’s level of responsiveness once you’ve made contact.

  • To whom did you speak, or did you have to leave a message?
  • Did you find someone who was prepared to assist you?
  • Was the person on the other end of the line calm and collected, or frantic and hurried as they tried to get to your call?

This initial meeting is a wonderful indicator of what it would be like to work with a company because communication is one of the most critical aspects of any project, no matter the field. You should give serious thought to how promptly the painting contractor returns your calls and emails and how well they keep track of your project’s specifications before hiring them.

Even while large businesses like exterior painting firms likely have a lot of calls coming in at once, you can still expect a response from them in a timely manner. An efficient business will have a well-organized support staff that helps the client and team communicate effectively.


Look at the company’s track record and knowledge in the field of the painting you need to be done:

  • Do you know how long they’ve been painting businesses?
  • Was painting a new offering of theirs?
  • If they don’t already have a clientele of industrial clients, will you be one of their first?

As the saying goes, “experience is the best teacher,” and “more experience is better.”


One may learn a lot about a company’s business practices and priorities by looking at its track record, reputation, and completed projects.

  • How long has this firm been operating?
  • Specifically, is it a family business?
  • Have the same people been running it for 30 years with minimal change?

You should be able to ask the company any questions you have about their previous work, and they should be willing to put you in touch with some of their previous clients. Asking about customer loyalty might give you insight into the company’s approach to maintaining client connections.


Finding customer feedback about a business you’re thinking of doing business with has never been simpler than it is today.

  • When you Google the company, what kind of feedback do you find?
  • How reliable are the reviews and ratings? If not, will they meet with you to discuss it?

Remember that even well-run, respected businesses can experience setbacks, so be wary of any that boasts nothing but 5-star ratings.

Insurance, Safety, and Training Procedures

Any painting firm you hire should, at the very least, have the appropriate insurance and safety certificates to operate on your property. Check the company’s credentials to be sure they are authorized to do the service you need. This signifies that the work is done in accordance with criteria established by professionals in the field.

Make sure they are in compliance with all rules and have a documented PCA Approved Safety Program by inquiring about their confined space, lead abatement, and scaffolding rigging certifications in relation to industrial painting assignments. Never choose a contractor who isn’t properly licensed and insured, as this greatly increases the risk of an unanticipated accident occurring on the construction site.

Finally, to reduce the possibility of accidents on the job, the ideal contractor will frequently test staff for health issues and substance abuse.

You can trust a trustworthy firm to do a good job painting your home if you follow these guidelines.

M&E Painting is qualified for your next job

Please contact us today if you are in need of professional painters/painting contractors in the Northern Colorado area. Our team at M&E Painting is made up of experts in their field who also have a deep desire to provide exceptional service to each and every one of our clients. We take pride in our staff, and they take pride in working for our prestigious firm so that they can provide for their families and assist you. Our dedication to our work, together with our high standards, certifications, and years of expertise, makes us stand out from the competition.