Why Insurance Companies Deny Hail Damage Claims

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If you’ve ever filed an insurance claim, you know the drill: the insurance adjuster comes out, inspects the damage, and then either approves or denies your claim. But what happens if your claim is denied, even though you’re sure the damage was caused by hail?

It’s a frustrating situation to be in, but it’s not uncommon. In fact, insurance companies deny hail damage claims all the time. Here are a few reasons why they might do that—and what you can do about it.

The Insurance Company Thinks the Damage Was Caused by Something Else

One of the most common reasons why insurance companies deny hail damage claims is because they think the damage was caused by something else—usually wind or water. To support their denial, they might point to things like missing shingles or damaged gutters.

If this happens to you, the best thing you can do is get a second opinion from a qualified contractor who specializes in roofing or gutters. They should be able to tell you definitively whether or not the damage was caused by hail. Once you have that documentation, you can submit it to your insurance company and hopefully get them to reverse their decision. 

The Insurance Company Doesn’t Think the Damage Is Significant Enough to Warrant a Claim

Another reason why insurance companies might deny hail damage claims is that they don’t think the damage is significant enough to warrant a claim. In their eyes, if the damage isn’t bad enough to cause a leak or some other type of immediate problem, it’s not worth repairing. 

This is where it’s important to remember that hail damage is cumulative. That means that even if the hail stones that hit your roof weren’t big enough to cause any immediate problems, over time they can add up and lead to more serious issues down the road. So if your insurance company denies your claim on these grounds, be sure to explain this to them and provide any documentation from a contractor that supports your position. 

The Insurance Company Says Your Roof Is Too Old 

If your roof is more than 20 years old, there’s a good chance your insurance company will deny your hail damage claim on the grounds that your roof is too old and needs to be replaced anyway. While it’s true that most roofs only last for 20-30 years, that doesn’t mean there’s no hope of getting your claim approved. 

In many cases, even if part of your roof needs to be replaced, there are still ways to repair hail damage so that it doesn’t cause any leaks or other problems. So if your insurance company denies your claim because of the age of your roof, again, be sure to get a second opinion from a qualified contractor who can tell you whether or not a repair is an option. 

If you’ve had a hail damage claim denied by your insurance company, don’t despair—you may still be able to get it approved with a little bit of effort on your part. By getting a second opinion from a qualified contractor and submitting additional documentation, you may be able to convince your insurer to reverse their decision and approve your claim after all.


Hail Damage Claims. (n.d.). Hail Damage Claims. Retrieved October 18, 2022, from https://www.lanelaw.com/hail-damage-claims.

What Should I Do If The Insurance Company Denies My Hail Claim? (n.d.). Stockard, Johnston, Brown, Netardus & Doyle, P.C. Law Firm. Retrieved October 18, 2022, from https://www.sjblawfirm.com/what-should-i-do-if-the-insurance-company-denies-my-hail-claim.html

W. (2020, June 5). Hail Claim Denied? Here Are the Most Likely Reasons Why – Fulgham Hampton Law Group. Fulgham Hampton Law Group. Retrieved October 18, 2022, from https://www.fhlawgroup.com/hail-claim-denied-here-are-the-most-likely-reasons-why/