5 Reasons Why You Should Check Your Roof for Hail Damage After a Storm

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A hailstone can cause a lot of damage, even if it’s small. Hailstones the size of quarters can produce wind speeds of up to 100 miles per hour. This kind of force can easily penetrate most types of roofing materials. As a result, it’s important to inspect your roof after a storm, even if you don’t think it was hit. Here are five reasons why:

Hail damage is not always immediately apparent

Oftentimes, hailstones will leave behind small indentations or “dings” in your shingles that are barely noticeable. However, over time, these small dings can turn into cracks that can lead to leaks. So, even if you don’t think your roof was seriously damaged in a storm, it’s always a good idea to have a professional inspection just to be safe.

Smaller hail stones can cause just as much damage as larger ones

While large hail stones can cause obvious damage to your roof, it is the smaller stones that you need to be on the lookout for. Over time, these small stones can wear down the material of your roof, causing leaks and other problems. In addition, they can also clog gutters and downspouts, making it difficult for water to drain properly. As a result, it is important to have your roof checked regularly for any small stones that may have become lodged in the tiles or shingles. If left unattended, these small stones can quickly cause serious damage to your roof.

Your insurance company may require that you have documentation of hail damage in order to process a claim

Any time your home sustains damage, it’s important to file a claim with your insurance company as soon as possible. Most insurance companies have a fairly straightforward claims process, but there are a few things you should keep in mind. First, you will likely need to provide some sort of proof of the damage, such as an estimate from a contractor or an insurance adjuster’s report. This is to ensure that the repairs are actually necessary and that the cost is reasonable. Secondly, it’s important to be aware that there may be a deductible associated with your claim. This is the amount that you will be responsible for paying out of pocket before your insurance company will start covering the cost of repairs. Knowing this ahead of time can help to avoid any surprises down the road. Finally, keep in mind that most insurance companies have a time limit for filing claims, so it’s important not to delay in getting the process started. By following these simple tips, you can help to ensure that your home repair claim is processed smoothly and efficiently.

If left unrepaired, hail damage can lead to leaks and other more serious problems.

Many homeowners don’t give their roofs much thought until there’s a problem. However, it’s important to keep your roof in good condition to avoid costly repairs down the road. One of the most common issues that can occur is shingle damage. Shingles are the protective tiles that cover your roof, and even a small crack can allow water to seep through and cause leaks or water damage inside your home. That’s why it’s important to have your shingles inspected regularly and to repair any damage as soon as possible. Don’t wait until there’s a big problem – by then, it may be too late.

Repairing hail damage is usually much cheaper than replacing an entire roof

Cracks in your shingles may seem like small problems, but they can cause major issues if they’re not fixed promptly. Even the smallest crack can allow water to seep through, which can lead to leaks or water damage inside your home. If the crack is left unrepaired, the problem will only get worse over time, and the damage will become more expensive to fix. In order to avoid these costly repairs, it’s important to inspect your roof regularly and have any cracks repaired as soon as possible. By taking this preventative measure, you can keep your home in good condition and save yourself money in the long run.

In short, it’s always a good idea to check your roof for hail damage after a storm, even if you don’t think it was seriously damaged. By doing so, you can avoid bigger problems down the road and save yourself money in the long run.